The Story
My vision for the gallery was to provide high quality fine art for the collector. I did not want to handle art posters that the rest of the galleries carried. I wanted to be a little different: carry the major artists from Canada: Josepha van den Anker, Laura Woermke, Catherine Morrisey, just to name a few. I like to meet the artists, find out about their style and painting processes. Even though I can purchase art over the internet, I cannot judge quality in that way. All the art in Minerva Art Gallery is hand picked by myself. I know the artists and I know their artwork. Be sure to check out our new artist, situated in British Columbia, Diane Kremmer on our site. Her series, “If Hummingbirds wore Helmets”- a unique perspective for bird lovers. Enjoy.

Kevin Morrell CPF
Minerva Art Gallery
Since 1992
Since 2022, Minerva Art Gallery staff have decided to promote our original art acquisitions; what our clients have been asking for.
We have done more renovations to the Gallery, adding more space to showcase our featured artists. Follow our social media pages to see new additions to the gallery.